Luke Matthews

Write with AI but don't lose your soul

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Some words

from a few friends

“Hi, my content was the problem, it was me. Then I met Luke Matthews and shook it all off. Midnights became my afternoons. This ghostwriter was standing there in the room. Luke's covert narcissism is disguised as altruism. I watched as he started leaving and realized that... Hi, I'm the problem it's me. PS the blonde hair is dumb, you aren't Eminem Luke.”

Taylor Swift

Country Music Singer

“My highly biased opinion is that Luke Matthews is the best Ghostwriter in the world. Change my mind. YOU CANT. In a sea full of boring copydrones, there is this guy. The best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be.


ps i write my own posts OR DO I”

Brock Pierson

Hotdog Influencer and Retired Reality TV Star

“Luke Matthews has taught me everything I know which is exactly why I had to beat him to 100k using the power of carousels and boring content. I couldn't recommend Luke less. PS this review is 100% real.”

Matt Barker

LinkedIn Ghostwriter

Here are some questions that

Luke gets Frequently Asked